I’m a Liuzhenghao Lv (吕刘正浩), a second-year MPhil student from School of ECE, Peking University. I am very fortunate to be advised by Prof. Yonghong Tian and Li Yuan. My research interest includes LLM, AI4Sci, SNN. I obtained my B.Eng. from Tongji University.
Education Experience
2019.09-2023.07: Information Security, School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Tongji University, B.Eng.
2023.09-2026.07(~): Computer Science, School of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Peking University, MPhil.
2023.10-now: Peking University HSBC Business School, Research Intern
Work Experience
2022.08-2022.11: Backend R&D, ByteDance, Intern
Research Experience
(where I am the first author or the co-first author)
Optimal ANN-SNN Conversion with Group Neurons (ICASSP 2024)
ProLLaMA: A Protein Large Language Model for Multi-Task Protein Language Processing (Arxiv)
[Paper] [Code] [Model&Dataset]
Machine Mindset: An MBTI Exploration of Large Language Models (Arxiv)
[Paper] [Code] [Model&Dataset]
Navigating Chemical-Linguistic Sharing Space with Heterogeneous Molecular Encoding (Submmited to Nature Machine Intelligence)
Research Insterest
I am interested in apply LLMs and multimodal LLMs in scientific scenarios, such as proteins and small molecules. Recently, I am also interested in the optimization of LLMs, such as better alignment with RL, better numeric understanding.
I’m curious about cosmology and philosophy. I enjoy driving and playing PC games.